The Story Behind These Controversial Paintings About the Eucharist
Two paintings that bring us face to face with Jesus’ invitation to eat his body and drink his blood.
I Will Be Unto Her a Wall of FIRE
“I will be unto her a wall of fire round about and the glory in the midst of her” -Zechariah 2:5
How This Narnia-Inspired Painting Helps Us Be Vulnerable With God
In the presence of God, we don’t need to armor up. He loves us through and through.
How Many Symbols Can You Spot In This Tobit Painting?
An epic painting of Raphael in the Book of Tobit for a KC priest.
Our Lady Undoer of Knots
A more “grounded” depiction of Our Lady Undoer of knots for a deserving mental health counselor.
How I Painted 15 Foot Tall Triptychs For My Catholic Church In Kansas City, KS
3 year project for Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church - 2 15 foot tall “triptych” murals to enliven the sanctuary.
The story behind Love’s Unfailing Victory