January 2024 Art Update
As most of you know, my friend Elizabeth and I went to SEEK this year at St. Louis and sold my art prints to 23,000 people! (By the way, check out seekreplay.com to see the amazing talks from the conference this year FOR FREE. Monsignor Shea’s “The Weight of Our Brokenness is 🔥🔥🔥)
I’ve never done such a big event before and I’m so glad I did! We had so many beautiful encounters, watching people come in contact with my art for the first time and meeting people who have been following me for a while!
All in all, it was a successful trip and I’m looking forward to next year’s conference in Salt Lake City!
Off the Easel!
Here are all the cool projects I was able to finish this month! Which one’s your favorite?
Presentation of Jesus Triptych FINISHED
I can’t believe this is finally done.
I had quite the adventure climbing up and down this scaffolding to blend the edges and place the rays of light.
I still need to varnish the piece, but we’ll wait for Pentecost to go up (any week now!!) and then I’ll seal these bad boys.
Sacred Heart on Fire
This painting has finished up better than I could’ve hoped. I particularly like the incense smoke trails and glittering sparks:)
Once it’s varnished and sent to its new home, I hope to make it available as a print!
What do you think? Should I include this in my next print drop?
Article: The freedom of wearing your faith on your sleeve
Sometimes God gives us the gift of seeing ourselves through another’s eyes.
I was honored to be interviewed by the amazing Simcha Fischer for her Artist Series for Our Sunday Visitor. I was deeply moved by Simcha’s point of view on my story and art.
On the Easel
These paintings are just beginning or reaching the end! Currently in progress!
Bridgman Sketches
I’m back on my daily Bridgman habit - copying every drawing in George Bridgman’s Complete Guide to Drawing from Life.
I’ve learned that living a disciplined life leads to living a life of freedom and peace. So bring it on new year!
She Pondered
This might look familiar (I did a smaller version of this last month!). I loved painting this image of Mary and Joseph on the way to Bethlehem so much the first time, that I wanted to size it up for a bigger impact.
I started this painting at SEEK and witnesses tears welling up already when it was only in sketch stage. I’m constantly amazed to see the impact these images have on people.
This painting is truly from the heart. I would love to find a deserving home for it when it’s finished. Please share this with someone who might like to have it!
She Pondered, 22”x28” oil on canvas. AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE
I am so excited to announce that these three new prints are now available in my Etsy store! Take 10% off one of these through the month of February only using the link below.
Thank You!!
It feels like the new year came in like a bulldozer! No rest for the mission!
Thank you so much for your continued support. My business is picking up and I know this would not be possible without your referrals, purchases, and shares. It doesn’t escape my notice that the Lord has given me a dream life. People pay me to do what I love, I live close to my favorite people, and get to minister to God’s children through Encounter and Living Waters. It’s a life I am so grateful for and do not take for granted.
Know of my prayers for you as I continue to paint and answer this call from the Lord. I pray that today you feel the hope of Jesus Christ in your heart as this new year begins. If my art can help facilitate that, I’ve done my job.
God Bless You! And Happy New Year
P.S. Fun personal announcement - I’m going to Italy later this year for a week-long workshop with Tania Rivilis!!! I can hardly wait to learn from one of my heroes, it doesn’t even seem real!!!